(decentralised modules) Next JS with on-demand Vanilla JS

The initial HTML for this page was rendered at build time with regular React Components

None of this page's markup with incur any 'hydration' costs at all.

But if any Component is marked as 'vanilla-js', then the 2kb runtime will load on demand, which means you can use a regular JS script that allows you to interact with the DOM that was originally created on the server.

Just think of how many times you wanted a small interaction to be handled with plain JS, but still wanted the React Component model for generating the HTML...

Possibly the best part though, the component used for this 'counter' is the exact same one used in the Preact example.

The timer below was server-side rendered

Once the page is ready, a tiny bundle loads and executes, re-using the DOM

setInterval is not good for timers like this: 0

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